Thursday 24 October 2013

Art Gallery Trip

Today we visited the Auckland Art Gallery.
We made some art, called Abstract Landscapes by brushing dye on paper and then tilting the paper to let the colours run.

We talked about our art.  We discussed what we felt about what we had made and how it related to landscapes.  Some people's art made them think of a certain place where they had been.

Auckland Art Gallery Visit on PhotoPeach

Calendar Art #2

Calendar Art #2 on PhotoPeach

Friday 4 October 2013

Lucy G's Book

Lucy wrote this rhyming story 'If I Were Rich'. Click on the link to read it and enjoy her illustrations.

David and Franklin wondered what astronauts do while they're in space.

Raven's Space wondering

Raven wondered about how astronauts eat in space.  Here is what he found out.

Michael and Zander wondered about black holes.  Here is what they found out.

Congratulations to the Dojo points winners from the last week of Term 3...
Amelia, Kate, Charlotte and Emily.

Charlotte and Lucy A's Presentation

Charlotte and Lucy's presentation consisted of an imovie, a live play, a diorama and a display board.
The two girls gathered a group of students from the class who enthusiastically performed plays to help the girls in their efforts.

The solar system diorama.

Watch their imovie below...

Thursday 3 October 2013

Kate and Poppie's Presentation

Kate and Poppie created a presentation in their google drive to show what they had found out about their space wonderings.  Have a look at it below. You can click on the videos they have included to watch more.

Use the controls in the bottom left corner to navigate through their presentation.

Caroline's Folk Tale

Caroline wondered why two of the planets in our solar system don't have any moons when some planets have many moons.

After not finding much information to answer her wondering she crafted her own folk tale to explain why.

Read the story and watch the video below of Caroline reading to the class.

Why Mercury and Venus have no Moons

It is a lovely day in Wonderland. Alice called to her dad. Her dad said, “Don’t forget Alice, I am going to space.”
Alice replied, “Who’s space?  And when? What? Why? How?”

Her dad said, “Space is a place where there are lots and lots of stars and planets.” Alice just skipped to her room, and BANG! The door slid shut. Her dad jumped in his spaceship, and of course, he didn't forget his space suit!

He shot into space and climbed out of the space ship. He wanted some moons. Mercury and Venus were the closest planets so he climbed out of the spaceship and grabbed their two moons.

He headed back to his house and threaded the moons on Alice’s shiny necklace. Alice wore it and she LOVED it. That’s why Mercury and Venus have no moons!   

By Caroline

Caleb's Space Presentation

This is a video showing Caleb giving his talk about his wondering about astronaut training.  The sound is a little quiet so make sure you turn up your computer's sound.